New Features for Mobility Developers in Visual Studio 2008

New Features for Mobility Developers in Visual Studio 2008Short Description
Visual Studio 2005 SP1
. Added 15 MFC classes
. Device Emulator 2.0 (Standalone Release)
. Numerous bug fixes
. Better eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 Migration Support
. Ability to work with SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition
. Updated the Native Compilers and Remote Tools
. Ability to support Windows CE 6.0-based SDKs

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Visual Studio 2008 Enhancements
Unit Testing for Devices
Device Configuration Manager
Device Certificate Manager
Device Emulator Version 3.0
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK is in-the-box
.NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 and 3.5
Updated Native Compilers and MFC Libraries
Managed Device Connectivity API

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