Retrieving environment details in VB.Net

' 1) Place a button in the form
' 2) Place a TextBox in the Form and name it as txtInfo
' 3) Set the Multi-line property of the TextBox(txtInfo) to True
' 4) Import the System.Environment namespace
' 5) Write the following code in the CommandButton click Event

Dim s As String
Dim o As System.Environment

s = "Current Directory=System.Environment.CurrentDirectory()->"
s = s & o.CurrentDirectory() & vbCrLf

s = s & "CommandLine=System.Environment.CommandLine()->"
s = s & o.CommandLine() & vbCrLf

s = s & "Environment Variable=System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable)->"
s = s & o.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") & vbCrLf

s = s & "MachineName=System.Environment.MachineName->"
s = s & o.MachineName & vbCrLf

s = s & "SystemDirectory=System.Environment.SystemDirectory->"
s = s & o.SystemDirectory & vbCrLf

s = s & "UserName=System.Environment.UserName->"
s = s & o.UserName & vbCrLf

s = s & "UserDomainName=System.Environment.UserDomainName->"
s = s & o.UserDomainName & vbCrLf

s = s & "OSVersion=System.Environment.OSVersion->"
s = s & o.OSVersion.ToString & vbCrLf

txtInfo.Text = s

' The namespace System.Environment provides methods to access various information like System Name, Domain Name , Username, OSVersion etc. These methods returns a string as a parameter. Values are retrieved and stored in the local variable s. To avoid using a length qualifier System.Environment with each call, a varaible is declared of type System.Environment and the same is substituted there.

' When the button is pressed, all the above information are retrieved and posted in the Textbox txtInfo.

' Happy programming with VB.NET.


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